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I noticed this one

The other was another aircraft repair facility and the owner after the interview was over, was discussing pay. Now the owner was a rather obese fellow and spoke with a weird lisp. When he mentioned pay, I couldn tell if he had said $9 or $19/hr. Seiko isn't making watches for ninjas now Tastemade did a "cake decorating with feet" video Reese's did a prank where they replaced in a NJ grocery story Suja juice isn't This bottled chickpea "pasta water" is fake Annie's Homegrown didn't switch their mascot from a bunny to a llama Scented ads ("ad scents") are made up Southwest Air isn't selling a virtual home assistant A DC based solar company isn't opening up coal plants Charmin didn't launch a coffee line The newSonicmerch based on a memeversion of a character is a joke Playstation isn't The Lion King isn't coming to Antarctica Zazzle isn't doing a meme app This apparel that weighs nothing is fake Stonewall Kitchen i

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copes with his problems

motivated and doesn have the control